Promoting the conservation of endangered and threatened marine turtles in Northeast Florida


Beaches Sea Turtle Patrol (BSTP) is making the world a better place for sea turtles on Jacksonville’s beaches. We document strandings for the Sea Turtle Stranding and Salvage Network, and transport debilitated turtles to rehab facilities. Holding a permit issued by Florida Wildlife Commission (FWC), BSTP performs foot patrols, conducts nesting surveys, and protects marine sea turtles. We proudly serve the beaches as a 501(c)(3) award-winning, non-profit organization.


  1. Nesting Season: May 1 – October 31
  2. Local Turtles: Loggerheads, Greens, and Leatherbacks
  3. Endangered & Protected: Sea turtles are protected by the Federal Endangered Species Act (1973) and Florida’s Marine Turtle Protection Act (379.2431, Florida Statutes).


  • IMPORTANT NOTE: Small cold-stunned turtles have been washing ashore in large numbers throughout northeast FL. Please report sightings immediately: Please text the following numbers with a photo and location of the animal:
    For Atlantic, Neptune and Jax Beaches: 904-613-6081.
    For Ponte Vedra: 904-370-3704.
    All other areas in Florida, call FWC at 888-404-3922 (*FWC from cell).
    Do not return the turtle to the water.
  • Thank you to everyone who expressed interest in volunteering for 2025. We have no open volunteer positions this year. Please check back in January 2026 for next season. Visit our volunteer information page to learn more about how you can get involved.
  • Find updates and information in our 2024 BSTP Annual Newsletter! From nesting reports to upcoming events, like beach cleanups, we’ve got you covered.
  • The “Turtle Talks” Activity Book is now available for free download here.






Keep our beaches CLEAN, DARK & FLAT

  • Make sure turtles don’t mistake trash for food by keeping the beaches CLEAN of debris.
  • Keep the beaches DARK by not using flashlights or flash photography at night. These lights can disrupt nesting and disorient turtles trying to make their way back to the ocean.
  • Clear the way for turtles by filling in all holes and ruts to ensure FLAT beaches
  • Give nesting turtles plenty of space by keeping your distance.
  • Leave no trace behind. Take all of your belongings with you including chairs, umbrellas, and other gear.

Beaches Sea Turtle Patrol is a proud recipient of the 2020 Top-Rated Non-Profit Award from Great Nonprofits — the leading platform for community-sourced stories about nonprofits. Thank you to all who shared their stories and for your continued support of our work with endangered sea turtles. Have an inspiring story? You can share it here.